คำแปล ความหมาย ของ "bedroom" ที่ค้นพบ

คำเหมือน : bedchamber
This room is my bedroom, and the other one is my office.
There are no fewer than a dozen bedrooms in this mansion.
What happened to the girl you were sharing the bedroom with?
My bedroom is just above.
I have my own bedroom at home.
Her bedroom is just above.
The bedroom was laden with beautiful ornaments.
I heard a noise in the bedroom.
The man was found dead in his bedroom in the morning.
She went upstairs to her bedroom.
I like to have a full-length mirror in my bedroom.
I share a bedroom with my sister.
I went up to my bedroom on tiptoe.
On entering the bedroom, she started sobbing.
The bedroom curtains have faded at the edges.
I found myself lying in my bedroom.
I bought lace curtains for my bedroom window.
I could hear her sobbing in her bedroom.
The door opens into the bedroom.
We have four bedrooms upstairs.

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