คำแปล ความหมาย ของ "brilliant" ที่ค้นพบ

แพรวพราย, พรายแสง, พริ้งพราย, ส่องแสง, แพรวพราว
งดงาม, สวยงาม
คำเหมือน : fabulous
คำตรงข้าม : ordinary
She has a brilliant future.
Both of them are very brilliant.
Our child seems to be brilliant. Of course, we may be prejudiced.
Look at that brilliant star.
A brilliant future lay before him.
The army was involved in a number of brilliant actions during the battle.
Suddenly she had a brilliant inspiration.
No other student in the class is so brilliant as he is.
She is a brilliant scholar and is everywhere recognized as such.
The snow was brilliant in the morning sun.
Smiling cheerfully, the two began to walk off into their brilliant future.
American industry makes various attempts to find and encourage brilliant students from abroad.
The stars were brilliant in the clear night sky.
Everyone recognized him as a brilliant pianist.
He cut a brilliant figure.
He was brilliant in the morning sun.
That's a brilliant idea.
He gave birth to a brilliant idea.
Shine on my brilliant soul.

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